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    1. Call to Order - 9:30 AM
    2. Recess: Executive session permissible under RCW 42.30.110(1)(g) to review the performance of a public employee (CEO’s annual performance review) and RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) to discuss with legal counsel representing the agency litigation or potential litigation to which the agency, the governing body, or a member acting in an official capacity is, or is likely to become, a party, when public knowledge regarding the discussion is likely to result in an adverse legal or financial consequence to the agency. Executive session will be followed by a closed discussion allowable pursuant to Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) regulations and related laws found at 46 U.S.C. § 40306, 46 C.F.R. § 538.608, 46 C.F.R. § 535.701(i)(1) and as authorized by the Port of Seattle/Port of Tacoma Alliance Agreement, FMC Agreement No. 201228.
    3. Return to Order - 11:30 AM
    4. Flag Salute
    5. Report by the Chief Executive Officer
    6. Public Comment In addition to in-person testimony, written comments may be submitted to the Managing Members at the meeting by mail to the attention NWSA Clerk, Public Comment, P.O. Box 2985 Tacoma, WA 98401‐2985, or by email to Written comments must be received by 4:00 p.m. on Monday, April 1, 2024 to be circulated to the Commissioners prior to or at the April 2, 2024 meeting. Comments received after will be circulated as soon as practicable. Members of the public may request to provide comments remotely by contacting the NWSA Clerk at or calling (253) 888-4791 by April 1, 2024 before 4:00 p.m.
    7. Work Group / Committee Reports
    8. Consent Agenda
      1. Approval of the minutes of the March 8, 2024 special meeting.
      2. Approval of the payment of checks 712355 through 712512 and electronic payments issued during the period of February 24, 2024 through March 20, 2024 in the total amount of $18,221,001.81.
      3. PCT Strad Maintenance Bay Roof Replacement Project Authorization: Request additional project authorization from the NWSA Managing Members in the amount of $635,000 for a total authorized amount of $725,000 for the PCT Strad Maintenance Bay Roof Replacement project, Master Identification No. 201191.01. materials
    9. Actions
      1. Second Reading: Master Benefits and Salary Resolution 2024-05: Request NWSA Managing Members adopt Resolution 2024-05, the Master Benefits and Salary Resolution, superseding Resolution 2023-03 and all prior Master Benefit and Salary Resolutions. materials
      2. 2024 Cargo Incentive Programs: Request NWSA Managing Members authorize cargo incentive programs and funding for the following programs (1). International Container Rail Cargo Incentive Program. (2). Voyage Consistency & On-Time Arrival Award Program. (3). Gate Program Materials rev.2
      3. Dual Action: NWSA Managing Members, Port of Tacoma Commission, Port of Seattle Commission: Interlocal Agreement for Economic Impact Analysis: Request authorization from the NWSA Managing Members for the NWSA CEO, and authorization from the Port of Seattle Commission and the Port of Tacoma Commission for their respective Executive Directors, to enter into an Interlocal Agreement Regarding an Economic Impact Analysis. materials
    10. Briefings
      1. Grants Update materials
    11. General Business
      1. CEO Announcements
      2. Commissioner Comments
    12. Adjourn
