

    1. Call to Order - 9:30 AM
    2. Recess to Closed Session
      1. Closed session allowable under Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) regulations and related laws found at 46 U.S.C. § 40306, 46 C.F.R. § 535.608, 46 C.F.R. § 535.701(i)(1) and as authorized by the Port of Seattle/Port of Tacoma Alliance Agreement, FMC Agreement No. 201228.
      2. Executive session to discuss with legal counsel representing the agency litigation or potential litigation to which the agency is or is likely to become a party when public knowledge regarding the discussion is likely to result in an adverse legal or financial consequence to the agency.
    3. Return to Order - 12:00 PM
    4. Flag Salute
    5. Report by the Chief Executive Officer
    6. Public Comment In addition to in-person testimony, written comments may be submitted to the Managing Members at the meeting or prior to the meeting. Written comments may be submitted by email to or by U.S. Mail to NWSA Public Comment, PO Box 2985 Tacoma Washington 98401-2985. Written comments must be received by 12:00 p.m. Monday, February 3, 2024 to be distributed prior to the meeting. Pursuant to RCW 42.56, recorded public comments and public meeting sign-in sheets, including names and any contact information provided, are subject to public disclosure.
    7. Work Group / Committee Reports
      1. Legislative Work Group
    8. Consent Agenda
      1. Approval of the minutes of the December 30, 2024 special meeting.
      2. Approval of the minutes of the January 7, 2025 regular meeting
      3. Approval of disbursements totaling $28,518,590.66 including electronic payments and checks 577 through 694, excluding 613 and 686, during the period of December 20, 2024 through January 24, 2025 certified by the NWSA auditor.
      4. Approval of disbursements to the State Auditor’s Office totaling $23,674.82 on checks 613 and 686 issued during the period of December 20, 2024 through January 24, 2025 certified by the NWSA auditor.
    9. Actions
      1. Grant Funding Acceptance for Terminal 18: Request Managing Member Authorization for the CEO or his delegate to enter into a grant agreement with the Washington State Department of Transportation that will provide $28 million is Climate Commitment Act funding to support the Terminal 18 Shore Power Project. Materials
    10. Briefings
    11. General Business
      1. Legislative Update
      2. CEO Announcements
      3. Commissioner Comments
    12. Adjourn