Regular Managing Member | Special Port of Tacoma Commission


The Conference Center at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport
17801 International Blvd, Seattle, WA 98158


    1. Call to Order – 9:30 AM
    2. Recess to Executive Session pursuant to RCW 42.30.110(1)(i)(iii) to discuss with legal counsel representing the agency two matters of litigation or potential litigation and the legal risks of a proposed action when public discussion of the litigation or legal risks is likely to result in an adverse legal or financial consequence to the agency.
    3. Return to Order – 11:30 AM
    4. Flag Salute
    5. Report by the Chief Executive Officer
    6. Public Comment In addition to in-person testimony, written comments may be submitted to the Managing Members at the meeting or by email to prior to the meeting or by U.S. Mail to NWSA Public Comment, PO Box 2985 Tacoma Washington 98401-2985. Written comments must be received by August 5, 2024 by 4:00 p.m. to be distributed prior to the meeting. Pursuant to RCW 42.56, recorded public comments and public meeting sign-in sheets, including names and any contact information provided, are subject to public disclosure.
    7. Work Group / Committee Reports
    8. Consent Agenda
      1. Approval of the minutes of the July 2, 2024 Managing Member regular meeting.
      2. Approval of the payment of check and wire transfers during the period of June 22, 2024 through July 26, 2024 in the total amount of $24,932,807.23.
      3. Dual Action NWSA and Port of Tacoma: Approving the First Amendment to the 2024 Inter-Local Agreement for Support Services By and Between the Port of Tacoma and The Northwest Seaport Alliance to include the NWSA Real Estate Service Directive for Municipal, County, and State Use of Licensed Property. Materials
      4. Dual Action NWSA and Port of Tacoma: litigation direction to file a petition for writ of certiorari of the Ninth Circuit’s decision in Puget Soundkeeper Alliance v. Port of Tacoma et al., and authorize the NWSA to fund such effort in an amount up to $250,000 in related additional legal and defense costs. Materials
    9. Actions
      1. Wooden Light Pole Replacement Program. Request project authorization in the amount of $10,270,000 for a total authorized amount of $10.9 million for the Wooden Light Pole Replacement Program project (MID 201148.01). Materials
      2. SSA Terminals T18 10th Amendment. Request authorization to execute the Tenth Amendment to the Terminal 18 Lease between SSA Terminals (Seattle Terminals), LLC and the NWSA. Materials
      3. Grant Acceptance of Climate Commitment Act (CCA) funding. Request authorization for the CEO to accept CCA funding in the amount of $6.3 million from the Washington Department of Transportation and to expend subject funds to support the NWSA’s Zero Emission Truck Incentive Program. Materials
    10. Briefings
      1. Grants Update Materials
    11. General Business
      1. Cargo/Operations Update
      2. CEO Announcements
      3. Commissioner Comments
    12. Adjourn