

    1. Call to Order – 9:30 AM
    2. Recess to Executive and Closed Session:
      1. Executive Session pursuant to RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) to discuss with legal counsel representing the agency litigation or potential litigation to which the agency, the governing body, or a member acting in an official capacity is, or is likely to become, a party, when public knowledge regarding the discussion is likely to result in an adverse legal or financial consequence to the agency
      2. Closed session pursuant to Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) regulations and related laws found at 46 U.S.C. § 40306, 46 C.F.R. § 535.608, 46 C.F.R. § 535.701(i)(1) and as authorized by the Port of Seattle/Port of Tacoma Alliance Agreement (FMC No. 201228).
    3. Return to Order – 11:30 AM
    4. Flag Salute
    5. Report by the Chief Executive Officer
    6. Public Comment: In addition to giving public comment orally at the meeting, written comments may be submitted to the Managing Members at or before the meeting by sending an email to or by U.S. Mail to NWSA Public Comment, PO Box 2985 Tacoma Washington 98401-2985. Written comments must be received by Monday, December 2, 2024, 12:00 p.m. (noon) to be distributed to commissioners prior to the meeting. Pursuant to RCW 42.56, recorded public comments and public meeting sign-in sheets, including names and any contact information provided, are subject to public disclosure.
    7. Work Group / Committee Reports
      1. Environmental Work Group Report
    8. Consent Agenda
      1. Minutes - October 25, 2024 Meeting
      2. Minutes - November 5, 2024 Meeting
      3. Certification of Check/Wire Disbursements: Disbursements totaling $20,503,565.39 issued during the period of October 29, 2024 through November 25, 2024 certified by the NWSA Auditor.
      4. West Sitcum Building 950 Sewer Upgrades: Request the Managing Members grant project authorization in the amount of $1,815,000, for a total authorized amount of $2,024,000, for work associated with the West Sitcum Building 950 Sewer Upgrades, Project Identification No. 201189.01 Materials
      5. Federal Lobbying Services Contract Approval: Request Managing Members authorize the CEO to execute a five-year personal services agreement (PSA 072140) with Elevate Government Affairs, LLC for federal lobbying services in an amount not to exceed $1,050,000. Materials
    9. Actions
      1. First Reading of Resolutions 2025-01 amending the Master Policy Delegation of Authority and 2025-02 the Sixth Amended NWSA Bylaws. Materials
      2. Husky Lease Amendment, Crane Rental Agreement, FY2023 MARAD PIDP Grant Acceptance and Husky Terminal Expansion Project Authorization: Request Managing Members authorize the CEO to execute the Sixth Amendment to the Husky Terminal Lease; Fourth Amendment to the Husky Crane Rental Agreement; the acceptance of a Federal Maritime Administration (MARAD) 2023 PIDP Grant in the amount of $54,233,330 for the Husky Terminal Expansion Project; project authorization in the amount $9,000,000 for a total authorized amount of $9,350,000, for work associated with the Husky Terminal Expansion Project, Master Identification No. 201201.01. Materials
      3. Husky and WUT Berth Deepening Design Project Authorization and Port of Tacoma Commission Authorization to Fund Full Eligible Costs with WRDA Section 2106 / Harbor Maintenance Tax Funds (HMT): (1). Request Managing Members authorize project authorization in the amount of $1.5 million for a total authorized amount of $3,075,000, for work associated with the Husky Berth Deepening, Project Identification No. 201169.01; project authorization in the amount of $1,470,000, for a total authorized amount of $3,465,000, for work associated with the Washington United Terminals Berth Deepening, Project Identification No. 201166.01.and (2) Request Port of Tacoma Commission dedicate WRDA Section 2106 / HMT funds to fund the full eligible costs of this design request, estimated at a total of $2.6 million. Materials
      4. 2024 NWSA International Container Rail Cargo Program Update and Funding Request: Request Managing Members approve additional funding for the 2024 International Container Rail Cargo Program of $4,000,000 for a total program funding of $12 million amending the allowable maximum reimbursement for any single participating carrier to a fixed amount of $1,200,000. Materials
      5. Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between NWSA and Puyallup Tribe of Indians (Tribe) regarding East Blair Terminal Two (EB2): Request the Managing Members authorize the CEO to enter into a MOU between the NWSA and the Puyallup Tribe (Tribe) relating to the proposed construction of East Blair Terminal 2 (EB2) and the combined operations of East Blair Terminal One and EB2 by the NWSA and the Tribe in substantially the same form as presented. materials rev.
    10. Briefings
      1. Port Community System (PCS) Update Materials
    11. General Business
      1. Cargo/Operations Update
      2. CEO Announcements
      3. Commissioner Comments
    12. Adjourn
