

    1. Call to Order - 10:30 AM
    2. Recess: Executive Session: RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) to discuss with legal counsel representing the agency litigation to which the agency is a party when public knowledge regarding the discussion is likely to result in an adverse legal or financial consequence to the agency.
    3. Return to Order - 11:30 AM
    4. Flag Salute
    5. Report by the Chief Executive Officer
    6. Public Comment In addition to in-person testimony, written comments may be submitted at the meeting or prior to the meeting by email to For emailed comments, please provide by 4:00 p.m. Tuesday, September 5, 2023.
    7. Work Group / Committee Reports
    8. Consent Agenda
      1. Request approval of the minutes of the (1). August 1, 2023 regular meeting and (2). August 17, 2023 special meeting.
      2. Request approval of the payment of check and wire transfers during the period of July 21, 2023 through August 17, 2023 in the total amount of $16,061,577.55.
      3. Second reading and request to adopt Resolution 2023-07 delegating administrative authority to the Chief Executive Officer, superseding Resolution 2020-02. Materials
      4. First reading and request to advance to a second reading Resolution 2023-05 appointing Lisa Billak as the Public Records Officer for the NWSA, superseding Resolution 2019-03. Materials
      5. Request authorization for the CEO to enter a five-year Interlocal Agreement (ILA), MOA-2023-078/12584 between The NWSA and the U.S. Department of Commerce National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Ocean Services (NOS) Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services for the Management, Operation, Maintenance and Repair of NOAA’s Tacoma and Seattle Physical Oceanographic Real-Time Systems (PORTS®) for $450,800. Materials
    9. Actions
      1. Husky and Washington United Terminals Berth Deepening Design and Permit Application
        1. Request project authorization in the amount of $1,275,000 for a total authorized amount of $1,575,000 for work associated with the Husky Berth Deepening. MID No. 201169.01
        2. Request project authorization in the amount of $1,695,000 for a total authorized amount of $1,995,000 for work associated with the Washington United Terminals Berth Deepening. MID 201166.01.
      2. Port of Tacoma (POT) Commission Action. East Commencement Habitat Opportunity Project: Request project authorization in the amount of $400,000 for a total authorized amount of $700,000 for work associated with the East Commencement Habitat Opportunity (ECHO) project. MID No. 101631.01 Materials
      3. Dual Action NWSA and POT and POT Commission Only Actions. Tacoma Gateway Automobile Business Agreements and Amendments:
        1. Dual Action NWSA and POT: Request NWSA Managing Member authorization for its CEO, and POT Commission authorization for its Executive Director, or their delegates, to enter into an Interlocal Agreement between The NWSA and the POT regarding the use of property located at: 1701 Port of Tacoma Road (8.88 acres); 2302 Ross Way (4 acres); and 4215 State Route 509 N Frontage Road (12.11 acres).
        2. POT Action: Request POT Commission authorization for the Executive Director or his delegate to enter into the “Lease for the Purpose of Automobile and Heavy Equipment Storage between the Puyallup Indian Tribe (Lessor) and Port of Tacoma (Lessee) for 13 acres of property.
        3. POT Action: Request POT Commission authorization for the Executive Director or his delegate to enter into the “Third Amendment to Lease an Operating Agreement” between POT and WWL Vehicle Services, Inc.: and authorization to waive the three month minimum security deposit required by the Port of Tacoma Master Policy Resolution, Section III.B.1, sublease of the Tribal property included within the Third Amendment.
    10. Briefings
      1. Capital Investment Plan Study Session Materials
    11. General Business
      1. CEO Announcements
      2. Commissioner Comments
    12. Adjourn
